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I create vibrant, soulfull art…

..through raw emotion & truth

Raw Genius in its Conception 48×48

Born, raised and reside in PA, I have always felt…bigger than my surroundings and even myself. That’s not ego, I literally feel as if my soul has always been bursting my vessels seams.  Through my approach to life, my fashion, the colors in my homes, (love) being a momma bear, my gardens, my car, my marriage and even my dog!  I lived “go big or go home” but unconsciously.   I was thriving being me and completely in love with my life.

Sydney, me and Aubrey

Then, tragedy struck. Sydney, my youngest daughter, was killed on Christmas Eve day, 2016. She was just 21. I was lifeless but surviving.  For a period of time anyway.   Then that “go big” came back but I was mission based.  I needed to tell her story and make sure she was remembered.  I was hell bent!!   I wrote a book on grief, then co-authored 3 healthy cookbooks with my husband.  We started a culinary foundation, hosted huge parties in her honor but I didn’t know how to go bigger or feel fulfilled.   


So, I sat in it, for quite a long time.  I learned over that time, and still, to find that middle path again in life for me, moving forward with her.  I was afraid I would leave her behind, forget.  Now that I know that isn’t possible, I have a steadier footing and am in my 8th year of her watching over me vs. walking beside me.  I am relearning who I am, what makes me tick and have a better understanding myself.  

I now am aware (and grateful!) of my “BIG”, the need to express my voice and the need to do so in very creative ways.  I am now comfortable owning that about myself.  However, my soul is still yearning, screaming to get out of this limiting vessel!  While I continue to express myself through my’s no longer enough. 

Perhaps it was my Angel, but we were guided to move to Lancaster, PA in 2019 and I was immediately intrigued by the artsy vibe.  We walked downtown along gallery row and I would think to myself, I want to do that!  And that is exactly what I did!  I literally jumped in the pool, both feet without looking.  I just knew, deep within, that painting was for me.  Art has always been a part of me, of my life, but in many different forms.  It only seemed natural to take this next leap.  I researched, mistaked and mistaked again but it never deterred me.  I was hooked and found what I had been searching for. A new purpose filled with positivity, possibilities, beauty and giving back.

Each vibrant, one of a kind work of art I create inspires hope, joy and a feeling of endless possibilities again. I am healing through my artful expression but even more exciting was that I am able to bring these uplifting feelings to so many others through my art. Being a person of service, being able to share such powerful positive emotions and energy with others makes my soul sing.

I can get lost in painting and sometimes…I even catch myself giggling at the result…

Free Spirit 30×40

Soulfull…why I chose this as my brand? There are many facets of this for me. I am and feel I always have been a very soulfull person; seeing the possibilities and finding hope when it feels impossible. Learning to listen within to what guidance my soul provides has been a learned capability (and one I highly recommend) that guides me in my life and most definately in my art.  

I use “full” for I believe that if we listen within, we truly are being fullfilled by our souls’ desires.  Preferring quality over quantity in everything and everyone in which I am involved is also key to living in the highest vibration, fulfilling our highest and fullest best lives. Infusing this type of energy into my life and art makes each piece feel alive!

Lastly, because the connection I have with my daughters, one watching over me from heaven, and the other walking beside me, forever keeps me in the zone of doing all I can to connect with them. They play a part in my every day, and I believe with their love, there is hope, some love and a piece of my soul sprinkled within every painting I create.

Aubrey, me and Sydney painting together
– November 26, 2016

With all of that, as you can imagine, I only want goodness and happy thoughts flowing through me! This will ensure that whatever piece you may fall in love with will only bring happiness, inspiration and fabulous harmonious energy to wherever you chose it to be displayed.

May my vibrant, soulfull art speak to you as it does to me.

Many blessings & big love,



I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein

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